High Achievers Academy Terms and Conditions

Please fill up the form below once you've read and agreed to the High Achievers Academy Terms and Conditions:

Thank you for enrolling into the High Achievers Academy Mentorship (herein referred to as “Mentorship”) with us. 

The Mentorship is fulfilled by The Early Brain Academy Pte Ltd (herein referred to as “TEBA”). Zion Global Marketing (herein referred to as “Zion Global”) is the collecting agent on behalf of TEBA.

By completing the payment and signing up for the Mentorship, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions, and you agree that this forms a legally binding contract between you and us.


a. Every effort will be made by TEBA to achieve parent/child health, developmental progress, enjoyment and safety. Executions of the Program and handling of the child are based on the parents’/caregivers’ discretion. TEBA cannot and will not be held responsible or liable for any lack of progress and/or harm or injury of whatsoever nature experienced by the parents or the child; within or without its premises, before, during or after the course.


a. You agree and acknowledge that all the rights and interests to all the intellectual property whatsoever relating to, developed or arising from the Program and/or Program Materials (herein referred to as “Intellectual Property”) belong to TEBA and you shall not in any way, directly or indirectly, copy, reproduce, sell, supply, make available or otherwise deal with or use (except for purely personal purposes) the Intellectual Property. In particular, you shall not make any form of audio, video or other recording during the Program.


a. Full enrollment into the Mentorship will only be considered and processed upon full payment of the Mentorship fees (herein referred to as “Full Payment”). Zion Global may, at their sole discretion, offer you the option to place a deposit payment for the Mentorship (herein referred to as “Deposit”) and the balance of monies payable shall be made in accordance with the payment schedule. If you do not make payment in accordance with the payment schedule, there shall be a 5% penalty fee imposed.

b. You acknowledge that if you make a Deposit, the components of the Mentorship shall not be released to you in full, but you shall be entitled to them according to the amount of monies paid, and such component release shall be at the sole discretion of TEBA.

c. There shall be no refunds given for any components that are not utilised at the end of the Mentorship.


a. If you inform Zion Global in writing via electronic mail to nyc@raisingangels.co of your request for a refund of monies paid for the Mentorship within 5 business days of the first payment (herein referred to as “Cooling Off Period”), any monies paid by you to date shall be refunded to you.

b. The following terms shall apply where requests for refunds are submitted in relation to the Cooling Off Period:

i. All requests for refund shall only be valid once the Customer Refund Form has been duly completed, submitted to and received by Zion Global via electronic mail.

ii. For all approved refund cases, any exclusivity and benefits (such as but not limited to Online Lessons/Events, Physical Learning Materials, Group Webinars and Learning Portal Access) that were extended to you shall be returned to TEBA in its original state, or revoked, where applicable.

iii. Mode of refund will be subject to Zion Global's discretion.

c. Outside of the Cooling Off Period, no other refunds are granted due to any reasons such as a change of mind, change of heart, change of situation, or decision to not participate fully in the Mentorship.


a. Your personal data will be used to process your Mentorship enrolment, support your learning experience, and for other purposes described in TEBA’s privacy policy.


a. TEBA does not give health, legal or financial advice and under no circumstances will be held liable for results discussed during the Mentorship.

b. The Information contained in or made available by TEBA, through the seminars, webinars, websites or services cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including but not limited to, mental, financial, medical, psychological, or legal fields.

c. TEBA and its staff, affiliates, representatives, do not offer any professional, personal, medical, financial, or legal advice and none of the information contained in the Mentorship should be confused as such advice.

d. The non-exercise of or delay in exercising any of TEBA and/or Zion Global’s powers or rights does not operate as a waiver of such powers or rights, nor does any single exercise of any power or right preclude any other or further exercise of it or the exercise of any other powers or rights. A power or right may only be waived in writing, signed by us agreeing to be bound by the waiver.

e. Should any provision (in whole or in part) of this Agreement be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, invalid, unenforceable or in conflict with any rule, statute or regulation, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions or parts thereof will not be affected.

f. This Agreement shall be binding on and shall continue for the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

g. TEBA and/or Zion Global shall have the right to enforce any rights given to it in this Agreement expressly or by implication. A person who is not a Party shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap. 53B) to enforce any terms and conditions of this Agreement.

h. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Singapore and the Parties irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.

i. All disputes, controversies or differences arising out of or in connection with this Mentorship Terms and Conditions, including any questions regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall first be referred to mediation in Singapore, in accordance with the Law Society Mediation Rules for the time being in force.

j. These terms and conditions may be altered by notice in writing from Zion Global.

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